Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A Minute’s Silence For The Death Of Common Sense, Please

A Minute’s Silence For The Death Of Common Sense, Please.
June 27, 2009
Dan Qayyum

Just when you think our so called ‘elected representatives’ can’t embarass us anymore, they tend to prove us wrong.

The Sindh Assembly has this morning held a minute’s silence as a mark of respect to Michael Jackson, on his sad demise. Yes, you can read that again.

Our army is busy fighting a bitter war against foreign funded terrorists, over 3 million of our people have been made homeless and we’re facing what could potentially be the worst crisis in our history if not dealt with properly. Our politicians on the other hand just cannot grasp the seriousness of the situation.

The Federal Information Minister feels it important to entertain himself with a $15,000 lapdance from an Indian hooker while on a begging round. Is begging that stressful? Maybe he should learn something off his President who doesn’t seem to mind it at all.

When did the president or any senior members of his team last visit the affected areas to show solidarity with our people? Why have they never bothered turning up and paying respect at the homes of our fallen soldiers? What have they contributed out of their own pockets towards caring for our internal refugees?

The point isn’t whether Jacko was a global superstar or that he had reportedly converted to Islam – Michael Jackson had absolutely f*ck-all to do with Pakistan, its history, its culture, its language, its people and its politics. This is the Provincial Assembly of Sindh, Pakistan, not the California State Assembly. Or are we now officially the 51st state?

What next? Will Muttahida’s gun toting ‘activists’ and PPP Jayalas forcefully shut all businesses in Karachi for a shutter-down strike next time Britney shaves her head? Or will we have a national day of mourning when Paris Hilton’s little pooch dies?

Why have we as a nation become so passive about these incompetent crooks who are turning us into a joke? And not a funny one either.