Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A Minute’s Silence For The Death Of Common Sense, Please

A Minute’s Silence For The Death Of Common Sense, Please.
June 27, 2009
Dan Qayyum

Just when you think our so called ‘elected representatives’ can’t embarass us anymore, they tend to prove us wrong.

The Sindh Assembly has this morning held a minute’s silence as a mark of respect to Michael Jackson, on his sad demise. Yes, you can read that again.

Our army is busy fighting a bitter war against foreign funded terrorists, over 3 million of our people have been made homeless and we’re facing what could potentially be the worst crisis in our history if not dealt with properly. Our politicians on the other hand just cannot grasp the seriousness of the situation.

The Federal Information Minister feels it important to entertain himself with a $15,000 lapdance from an Indian hooker while on a begging round. Is begging that stressful? Maybe he should learn something off his President who doesn’t seem to mind it at all.

When did the president or any senior members of his team last visit the affected areas to show solidarity with our people? Why have they never bothered turning up and paying respect at the homes of our fallen soldiers? What have they contributed out of their own pockets towards caring for our internal refugees?

The point isn’t whether Jacko was a global superstar or that he had reportedly converted to Islam – Michael Jackson had absolutely f*ck-all to do with Pakistan, its history, its culture, its language, its people and its politics. This is the Provincial Assembly of Sindh, Pakistan, not the California State Assembly. Or are we now officially the 51st state?

What next? Will Muttahida’s gun toting ‘activists’ and PPP Jayalas forcefully shut all businesses in Karachi for a shutter-down strike next time Britney shaves her head? Or will we have a national day of mourning when Paris Hilton’s little pooch dies?

Why have we as a nation become so passive about these incompetent crooks who are turning us into a joke? And not a funny one either.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

US Media Campaign to Discredit Iranian Election

Was the Iranian election a fraud? That's what our great western media sources want us to believe. While scanning through the coverage, I could not find one mainstream news article which covered the election results in an objective, unbiased manner.

It’s worth noting that Iran, unlike the US, does not use electronic voting machines which are easily tampered with. They actually have paper ballots. It’s also important to point out the health of their electoral process. They had an 85% turnout! We, “the champions of democracy” turnout only a fraction of that percentage for our presidential elections. In fact 2 out of 3 American citizens find something better to do during election day.

Was the election stolen? According to the Iranian Interior Minister Sadeq Mahsouli, there has been no ‘written complaint’ about voter fraud. He declared that the presidential elections were conducted in a manner that ruled out the possibility of voter fraud. “No violations that may have influenced the vote have been reported, and we have received no written complaint,” he said in response to a question posed by an Italian reporter.

It’s also worth mentioning that contrary to what our media would have us believe, Ahmadinejad doesn’t have much power in Iran. The President is not the most powerful person in the country. He is not the commander in chief and does not control the army and the intelligence and security services. He does not have the power to go to war. Those powers are reserved for the supreme leader of Iran Ayatollah Khomeini.

PTCL intership programme

ptcl introduces new internship policy .Anyone who is intrested please use this link

Indian nuclear scientist ‘committed suicide’

Indians are trying to cover up the assassination of their rogue scientist who was probably selling secrets to foreign countries. In all probability, RAW assasinated him, if not his foreign handlers. He is dubious alright.

“Police on Sunday said they suspected that Kaiga atomic power plant scientific officer Loganathan Mahalingam, 47, had committed suicide by jumping into the swollen Kali river on the 8th of June when he was reported missing

Monday, June 15, 2009

Scholarship for Pakistani Students from Iran Goverment

scolorship is available for all level students including graduates &undergraduates

2010-2011 Application for the Fulbright Scholar Program


if anyone is intrested to apply mail at sheryar107@gmail.com and get the forms

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Search operation in progress to trace missing Indian nuclear scientist

Indian Nuclear Scientist gone missing. Poor Indians all tense and desperate to locate him

“A joint operation has been launched by the CISF and the local police to trace a scientist of the Kaiga Nuclear Power Plant, who went missing four days ago, a senior Indian police official said.”

Dr Sarfaraz Naeemi worked for ‘alliance against Taliban’

His death is a great setback for Pakistani nation

“The death of Jamia Naeemia administrator Dr Sarfaraz Naeemi has deprived the Brelvi school of thought of a sincere leader who always worked for uniting Sunni parties and groups on a single platform.”

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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Hot Actress and Political photos are Available

Hot indian actress pictures ,hot pakistani babes and pokistani female politicians pictures are available here

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these are orignal activation codes of kayspersky internet security 2009
anyone wants orignal keys email at sheryar107@gmail.com


Lashkar intensifies assault on Taliban in Upper Dir Pakistan

Lashkar intensifies assault on Taliban in Upper Dir
Villagers are losing their patience. This is the ideal opportunity to take action and push them back. This will certainly discourage the Taliban fighters.

"Two more militants were killed on Wednesday as an armed lashkar of hundreds of villagers intensified its assault against Taliban fighters holed up in Shatkas and Ghazigay villages of Doog Darra."


indian feels when we hurt them

1. We hurt them where it really hurts
This is an Indian uploaded video. Note how they monitor us as we hurt them where it really hurts

58 percent pakistanis are involved in phone sex

a mobile company tape leaks out the pakistani ratio involved in phone sex

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

GAT Provisional list is released

GAT test which will be held on 5th july thier lists are released

USA sholorship is available for pakistani students

USA offers its scolorship programme for pakistani students.all those who are intrested can get the forms and apply.

revenge of geography by robert kaplan

all are requeuested to read this article please

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

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Monday, June 8, 2009

Asif zardaris wealth pakistan president

ZARDARI’S LOCAL ASSETS ARE: 1. Plot no. 121, Phase VIII, DHA Karachi. 2. Agricultural land situated in Deh Dali Wadi, Taluka, Tando Allah Yar. 3. Agricultural property located in Deh Tahooki Taluka, District Hyderabad measuring 65.15 acres. 4. Agricultural land falling in Deh 76-Nusrat, Taluka, District Nawabshah measuring 827.14 acres 5. Agricultural land situated in Deh 76-Nusrat, Taluka, District Nawabshah measuring 293.18 acres 6. Residential plot No 3 (Now House) Block No B-I, City Survey No 2268 Ward-A Nawabshah 7. Huma Heights (Asif Apartments) 133, Depot Lines, Commissariat Road , Karachi 8. Trade Tower Building 3/CL/V Abdullah Haroon Road, Karachi 9. House No 8, St 9, F-8/2, Islamabad 10. Agricultural land in Deh 42 Dad Taluka/ District Nawabshah 11. Agricultural land in Deh 51 Dad Taluka Distt Nawabshah 12. Plot No 3 & 4 Sikni (residential) Near Housing Society Ltd. Nawabshah 13. CafT Sheraz (C.S No.. 2231/2 & 2231/3) Nawabshah 14. Agricultural land in Deh 23-Deh Taluka & District Nawabshah 15. Agricultural property in Deh 72-A, Nusrat Taluka, Nawabshah 16. Agricultural land in Deh 76-Nusrat Taluka, Nawabshah 17. Plot No. A/136 Survey No 2346 Ward A Government Employee’s Cooperative Housing Society Ltd, Nawabshah 18. Agricultural land in Deh Jaryoon Taluka Tando Allah Yar, Distt. Hyderabad 19. Agricultural land in Deh Aroro Taluka Tando Allah Yar, Distt. Hyderabad 20. Agricultural land in Deh Nondani Taluka Tando Allah Yar, Distt. Hyderabad 21. Agricultural land in Deh Lotko Taluka Tando Allah Yar, Distt. Hyderabad 22. Agricultural land in Deh Jhol Taluka Tando Allah Yar, Distt. Hyderabad 23. Agricultural land in Deh Kandari Taluka Tando Allah Yar, Distt. Hyderabad 24. Agricultural land in Deh Deghi Taluka Tando Mohammad Khan 25. Agricultural land in Deh Rahooki Taluka, Hyderabad 26. Property in Deh Charo Taluka, Badin 27. Agricultural property in Deh Dali Wadi Taluka, Hyderabad 28. Five acres prime land allotted by DG KDA in 1995/96 29. 4,000 kanals on Simli Dam 30. 80 acres of land at Hawkes Bay 31. 13 acres of land at Maj Gulradi ( KPT Land ) 32. One acre plot, GCI, Clifton 33. One acre of land, State Life ( International Center , Sadar) 34. FEBCs worth Rs. 4 million SHARES IN SUGAR MILLS INCLUDE: 1. Sakrand Sugar Mills Nawabshah 2. Ansari Sugar 3. Mills Hyderabad 4. Mirza Sugar Mills Badin 5. Pangrio Sugar Mills Thatta 6. Bachani Sugar Mills Sanghar FRONT COMPANIES IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES: 1. Bomer Fiannce Inc, British Virgin Islands 2. Mariston Securities Inc, British Virgin Islands 3. Marleton Business S A, British Virgin Islands 4. Capricorn Trading S A, British Virgin Islands 5. Fagarita Consulting INc, British Virgin Islands 6. Marvil Associated Inc, British Virgin Islands 7. Pawnbury Finance Ltd, British Virgin Islands 8. Oxton Trading Limited, British Virgin Islands 9. Brinslen Invest S A, British Virgin Islands 10. Chimitex Holding S A, British Virgin Islands 11. Elkins Holding S A, British Virgin Islands 12. Minister Invest Ltd, British Virgin Islands 13. Silvernut Investment Inc, British Virgin Islands 14. Tacolen Investment Ltd, British Virgin Islands 15. Marlcrdon Invest S A, British Virgin Islands 16. Dustan Trading Inc, British Virgin Islands 17. Reconstruction and Development Finance Inc, British Virgin Islands 18. Nassam Alexander Inc. 19. Westminster Securities Inc. 20. Laptworth Investment Inc 202, Saint Martin Drive, West Jacksonville 21. Intra Foods Inc. 3376, Lomrel Grove, Jacksonville , Florida 22. Dynatel Trading Co, Florida 23. A.. S Realty Inc. Palm Beach Gardens Florida 24. Bon Voyage Travel Consultancy Inc, Florida ZARDARI’S PROPERTIES IN UK ARE: 1. 355 acre Rockwood Estate, Surrey (Now stands admitted) 2. Flat 6, 11 Queensgate Terrace, London SW7 3. 26 Palace Mansions, Hammersmith Road , London W14 4. 27 Pont Street , London , SW1 5. 20 Wilton Crescent , London SW1 6. 23 Lord Chancellor Walk, Coombe Hill, Kingston , Surrey 7. The Mansion, Warren Lane, West Hampstead, London 8. A flat at Queensgate Terrace, London 9. Houses at Hammersmith Road, Wilton Crescent , Kingston and in Hampstead. ZARDARI’S PROPERTIES IN BELGIUM ARE: 1. 12-3 Boulevard De-Nieuport, 1000, Brussels , (Building containing 4 shops and 2 large apartments) 2. Chausee De-Mons, 1670, Brussels ZARDARI’S PROPERTIES IN FRANCE ARE: 1. La Manoir De La Reine Blanche and property in Cannes ZARDARI’S PROPERTIES IN USA — in the name of Asif Zardari and managed by Shimmy Qureshi are: 1. Stud farm in Texas 2. Wellington Club East, West Palm Beach 3. 12165 West Forest Hills , Florida 4. Escue Farm 13,524 India Mound, West Palm Beach 5. 3,220 Santa Barbara Drive , Wellington Florida 6. 13,254 Polo Club Road, West Palm Beach Florida 7. 3,000 North Ocean Drive , Singer Islands , Florida 8. 525 South Flager Driver, West Palm Beach , Florida 9. Holiday Inn Houston Owned by Asif Ali Zardari, Iqbal Memon and Sadar-ud-Din Hashwani ZARDARI’S BANK ACCOUNTS IN FOREGN COMPANIES ARE: 1. Union Bank of Switzerland (Account No. 552.343, 257.556.60Q, 433.142.60V, 216.393.60T) 2. Citibank Private Limited (SWZ) (Account No. 342034) 3. Citibank N A Dubai (Account No. 818097) 4. Barclays Bank (Suisse) (Account No. 62290209) 5. Barclays Bank (Suisse) (Account No. 62274400) 6. Banque Centrade Ormard Burrus S A 7. Banque Pache S A 8. Banque Pictet & Cie 9. Banque La Henin, Paris (Account No. 00101953552) 10. Bank Natinede Paris in Geneva (Account NO.. 563.726.9) 11. Swiss Bank Corporation 12. Chase Manhattan Bank Switzerland 13. American Express Bank Switzerland 14. Societe De Banque Swissee 15. Barclays Bank (Knightsbridge Branch) (Account No. 90991473) 16. Barclays Bank, Kingston and Chelsea Branch, (Sort Code 20-47-34135) 17. National Westminster Bank, Alwych Branch (Account No. 9683230) 18. Habib Bank ( Pall Mall Branch). 19. National Westminster Bank, Barking Branch, (Account No. 28558999). 20. Habib Bank AG, Moorgate, London EC2 21. National Westminster Bank, Edgware Road , London 22. Banque Financiei E Dela Citee, Credit Suisse 23. Habib Bank AG Zurich , Switzerland 24. Pictet Et Cie, Geneva 25. Credit Agricole, Paris 26. Credit Agridolf, Branch 11, Place Brevier, 76440, Forges Les Faux 27. Credit Agricole, Branch Haute – Normandie, 76230, Boise Chillaum

US necular weapon list "A REAL THREAT TO THE WORLD

US Accidentally Releases List of Nuclear Sites US, the so called most selfless of all Nations has recently been so busy plotting against the Pakistani nukes that it lost track of its own. We completely understand.. . "The federal government mistakenly made public a 266-page report, its pages marked "highly confidential, " that gives detailed information about hundreds of the nation's civilian nuclear sites and programs, including maps showing the precise locations of stockpiles of fuel for nuclear weapons." http://www.nytimes. com/2009/ 06/03/us/ 03nuke.html? _r=1

Sunday, June 7, 2009

pakistan parliament internship programme

pakist parliment internship prog is open forms can be recieved through email from sheryar107@gmail.com last date is 15th june 2009 for submission of applications

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